Cricket Veteran Quiz

veteran quiz so be thrilled people this is for cricket veterans so be prepared before taking this and please win if you are good in cricket to the rate

i made this for elites so come and win this whoever is champion in cricket knowledge and likes cricket like me. i love cricket and i am an elite veteran too you know

Created by: shockerwave
  1. Which team currently gained full membership and also overtook Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, from such a bad position in the recent years.
  2. Who is Oman's Cricket Captain
  3. Which IPL team has two Afghanistan players?
  4. which of them is an all rounder?
  5. which of these resembles chris morris
  6. which type of batsman is carlos brathwaite
  7. which of these is a bowler
  8. who is world's best spinner
  9. which of these players never played/play for chennai super kings
  10. which of these players never played/play for sunrisers hyderabad
  11. which of these all rounder pairs belong to sunrisers hyderabad
  12. which of these fast bowler fourpairs belong to mumbai indians?
  13. which is a better cricketing nation in these

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