Could You Survive a Mega War.

Do you think you can survive a mega war. A war that is pretty much all over the world. A war with bomb a war where a fourth of all people die. Well when you take this quiz you will see.

Now answer honestly. You will get your true score if you do. If you do not like your chance at the end well that is gonna be your chance. One last thing I have to say, enjoy the quiz.

Created by: luke
  1. A great war breaks out in America. What to do.
  2. The war gets bigger with all countrys involved.
  3. You are in war when you see a bomb from the sky. What to do.
  4. A lot of people are dead. What do you do,
  5. The war is finally over. Do you.
  6. Do you
  7. Do you think you can survive.
  8. One fourth of all people are dead and you do not look like you or your army is going to win, do you.
  9. The city is devastated after the war, do you.
  10. Did you like this quiz.

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