How much of a HTTYD fan are you?

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I’ve tried not to be a total freak mega fan while making these questions but I might have slipped a little hahaha. Thanks for trying out my quiz and I hope my questions are accurate enough for you.

This quiz has Easy, Medium and Hard questions based on if you need to be an ultra mega fan to know the answers. All questions are about the movies and series but so although I do know about the books, they will not be involved here.

Created by: Astryx
  1. Easy: What are Hiccup’s parent’s names?
  2. Hard: What are Fishlegs’ two main tattoos of?
  3. Easy: Who are the three main villains of Race To The Edge season 6?
  4. Medium: What is the first wild dragon the gang find out of the Archipelago?
  5. Medium: Which two actors provide a voice for Snotlout?
  6. Easy: When is Hiccup’s birthday?
  7. Medium: Names of Hiccstrid’s children?
  8. Hard: What species is Sleuther?
  9. Medium: In a traditional Defenders of the Wing wedding, the Dance of Blades is what?
  10. Medium: What is Astrid’s betrothal gift to Hiccup?
  11. Easy: What’s the name of the song Stoick sings with Valka?
  12. Easy: What does Hiccup task the riders with during the annual midnight sun?
  13. Hard: What are the names of the twins’ Terrible Terrors?
  14. Easy: Why is Grimmel famous?
  15. Medium: Who is Oswald the Agreeable?
  16. Hard: What are the first words spoken in RTTE season 2?
  17. Easy: Name of the Death Song’s island?
  18. Hard: How many babies does Stormfly have in Gift of the Night Fury?
  19. Medium: What episode is Darkvard introduced?
  20. Easy: Finish the phrase. “Oh I am hurt!”

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Quiz topic: How much of a HTTYD fan am I?
