Could you be my future bf? (13 to 14 year old boys ONLY)

This quiz is for lonely 13-14 year old guy potatoes that wanna know if there is a monkey 13 year old girl potato out there that is exactly their type. Actually nvm my type XD

Take the quiz and find out if we are compatible...if we are which would be soooooo cool at the end of my quiz my sisters email and my roblox will be shown! ^_^

Created by: Taylor
  1. How old are you?
  2. Do you like animals?
  3. Favorite game?
  4. Tomboy or girly girl?
  6. Where would our first date be?
  7. My name is Taylor :P
  8. Would you hate me if I started singing Melanie Martinez songs?
  9. I wear shorts and T-shirts 99% of the time
  10. Friend me on roblox? (Pandaskipper)

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