Could we be besties?

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WOULD WE BE FRIENDS? well take the quiz to figure out if I would be friends with you cuz yeah this stuff can be fun lol jnekffffffffffffffwfewkjnjefjnefwjnefwnjef

“girlfriend” by girl in red is a song that explores themes of unrequited love and longing. The narrator expresses a desire for a romantic relationship with their friend, highlighting feelings of attraction and the complexity of navigating their emotions. The song captures the hopefulness and frustration of wanting someone who may not see the narrator in a romantic light, all while emphasizing the importance of being true to one's feelings. Its upbeat tone contrasts with the more introspective lyrics, creating a relatable and catchy anthem for those grappling with similar experiences.

Created by: Uzi_Doorman
  1. Its time to eat! what are you grabbing?
  2. what do you think about murder drones? if you haven't seen it search it, binge it, then come back.
  3. do you like capybaras?
  4. do you like chicken? (to eat and the live animal)
  5. favorite food?
  6. do you like girl in red?
  7. do you like ethnic and Asian culture?
  8. Are you a cis boy, cis girl, boy, girl, trans boy, trans girl,, nonbinary, or other?
  9. are you homophobic?
  10. are you anti therian or furry?

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