Cool Personality Test :) | Comments

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  • OMG
    Super Awesome!!!!!!!!!

    I have a very small ego and sometimes hide true self, down to earth (tiny red cube on the ground.)

    I trust people not very easily mostly, but it depends on my first impression of them (medium size bunch of 7 flowers)

    Huge dreams and goals just waiting to be fulfilled (my ladder actually was touching the ceiling)

    My spouse will be friendly, competitive, and lovably dumb.

    My problems are many, but under control (rain was heavy but peaceful)

    Awesom e Quiz, Firey_Soul!
    Just epic :D

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  • This was actually one of the most accurate personality quizzes I have ever taken, and was exceedingly interesting. I had a medium cube that was clear, which seems about right. I can be shy, and I'm not always confident, but I take pride in what I do. The cube was on the ground, and I am definitely down-to-earth, except when I write...then again, who is when they right? I'm pretty logical too. I had about eight flowers, which seems right. I have a close group of about four friends from when I was little (primary school) that I would almost trust with my life, and a few friends at secondary school that are the same, although only two. I trust certain members of my family too. I don't trust quickly, or easily, but I tend to be good at judging people, so I make friends that I get on very well with, and therefore I trust them. This may be partially due to the fact that I never make friends with people that bleat everything to everyone. I do have pretty big goals, and I'll keep my horse's traits to myself... :) I'm secretive at times too! The rain bit was soo right, heavy but peaceful.

    Well done, that was really good!

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  • I've missed you and your awesome quizzes.

    I have a medium ego, I'm down to earth,I hide myself from others, I don't trust a lot of people (I actually trust nobody) I have big goals, my horse was fiery, brave and always wanting to go fast (I do horseback riding, when I imagined a horse I imagine my ideal horse, since I don't actually own one, so I feel this was the slightly inaccurate, as I imagined my dream horse) my rain was heavy but peaceful.

    This was an epic quiz.

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  • I have a small ego, I am down to earth, and I am well grounded. I don't hide my true self around others. (small white cube on the ground in the center of the room)

    I don't trust easily. (small bouquet of colorful roses)

    I have big and a sizable amount of goals. (big and tall ladder that doesn't quite touch the ceiling yet)

    My spouse will be loyal and brave but he will also have a conflicting attitude. (brave, loyal, conflicting)

    I am under a lot of stress (thunder and lightning)

    This is remarkable! Very accurate :)

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  • Wow, this was really interesting and accurate as well! I would say I definitely have a medium ego (I'm not exactly self-confident, but I do take pride in my accomplishments), and I'm well-grounded. The only part that didn't fit was the color. I pictured it being white, but I hide myself from others quite a bit. Otherwise, I have big goals, I only trust a few people, my horse was quiet, intelligent, and thoughtful, and the rain part was spot on (heavy but peaceful).

    Anyway, I loved it! :)

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  • OH MY GOSH THIS WAS SO ACCURATE IT'S INSANE! lol I'm not kidding,I was REALLY surprised...

    on mine the cube was PRETTY small, because kind of like you, a lot of the time my self esteem can be pretty low... And it was whitish and clear, which makes sense because I'm very honest with people about what I'm feeling. There weren't like a TON of flowers or anything, but quite a few, because I do have a very good family and a few good friends. The ladder was huge, and reached to the ceiling, and I admit I do have high goals... that's really interesting. I imagined the horse calm and sweet and that's good, that's how I imagine my future spouse to be (lol! XD). It was normal, maybe heavy rain, with no thunder or lightning. Meaning I have a lot of stress but it's pretty well under control. That, again, blew my mind with it's accuracy! That's insane.

    Anyway , thanks for sharing that was 100% awesomeness! XD

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  • Wow! This quiz is the BEST! I absolutely love it! It was very accurate. I chose a medium cube, so I have a medium ego. The cube was clear, so I don't hide my true self from others. The cube was floating, and my head is often in the clouds. I had a few big flowers in the room (three flowers), but they were big, so I'm close to a few people but I trust them a lot. I chose a very small latter, so I don't really have big goals. The horse's personality was funny, happy, and outgoing, and that is exactly what I want my spouse to be like. The rain was heavy but peaceful, and I am under a lot of stress but I handle it. THIS IS THE BEST QUIZ EVER!

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  • I pictured a medium cube that was white and it was floating a bit. Just a bit. The ladder reached the ceiling. (just a question, is that a good thing?) The horse was crazy in a good way, funny, and sweet. It was raining a wild thunderstorm. But that's because I love dessert sand.

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  • I had a medium sized white box in the middle of the floor, no more than 7 flowers, a ladder that almost reached the ceiling, a heavy rain with thunder and lightning, and the horse was kind, trustworthy, and brave. Great quiz!

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  • I pictured a big white box on the ground, a few flowers, the ladder reached the ceiling, rain was medium but calm, and the horse was calm, curious, and a little spazzy. Perfect. I guess my ego is kind of big... So I did learn about myself!Nice quiz!

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  • I pictured a big white box on the ground, a few flowers, the ladder reached the ceiling, rain was medium but calm, and the horse was calm, curious, and a little spazzy. Perfect. I guess my ego is kind of big... So I did learn about myself!Nice quiz!

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  • No, not really accurate...

    I pictured a medium ego on the floor medium goals, and many flowers (small.) I have no rain.

    But in real life I have smalla-- ego on the floor with small goals, and probably only like 10 flowers not really like a million, and my rain is quite heavy.

    huh. Thanks anyway ;)

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  • well... no one cares but, i pictured a big white cube on the i guess that would mean i have a big ego, im down to earth, and im strait forward about my feelings. inaccurate ... I'm not sure if im down to earth or not. probably not. or at least, i dont want to be..on this earth...eheh..maybe i missed the point. anyways, I have no self esteem either so i probably dont have a big ego. idk. and I usually hide my feelings and my true self. The part about the flowers was accurate tho. I imagined about 5..ish? i dont have any friends, just my family and my darling. I don't trust that many people either. the ladder was inaccurate..maybe. . i mean honestly my only goal is to go to japan or somewhere with my darling, so. interpret that how youd like. (she says to no one bc who would read this? xD), okay, for the horse i amagined a calm and sweet horse (like the one i have irl :0) and yeah, me and my darling are gonna get married, and he's like that mostly ^^ the rain was pretty accurate. i imagined very light rain like....the sky was crying just a bit... i guess that describes how i feel.. i know thats not what it meant to mean but i interpreted like that. ok, thats all. bye now~

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  • My results (not including the cubes, rain, ladder etc).

    -I have a small ego. True
    -I hide my feelings. True
    -I am well grounded/down to earth. True
    -I trust a lot of people. True

    -(Leaving out the spouse part because the traits are weird LOL.) N/A

    -I have A LOT of goals. True
    -I have A LOT of stress. True

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  • Super accurate! medium sized cube that was grey, big flowers and there were about 8 of them, ladder up to the ceiling,the horse was loyal, happy and calm and lastly rain was heavy but peaceful. Great quiz!:)

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  • I had a small white box sitting in the middle of the floor a medium vase with medium flowers I had heavy but peaceful rain and the horse was wild, fast, and beautiful. Nice job :)

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  • My cube was small and black and on the ground. my ladder was medium sized. My horse was gentle, awesome,caring. I had have a small bit of flowers. The rain was heavy buy peaceful.

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  • the quiz was great:)

    & what i imagined was this -small white cube,ladder reaching up to the ceiling, heavy but peaceful rain ,calm , royal but very friendly horse. ;) and yes many flowers but not too many. and the results were very acurate too! good job :)!!

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  • Awesome Firey_Soul, you are so good at writing, most peopl3 are on here...:P. Missy Prissy Cat, xxblutixx, and you are top 3 :). You should write more often (Im not whining for you to, but after Paranormal Love, I told everbody how awesome it was :D) also, if have stress...u gotz to writw :P.. :)

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  • small blue cube floating in the air 6 big flowers ladder reaches the ceiling nice, awesome, sweet horse heavy but peaceful rain. very accurate for me. OK is a person sideways

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  • sooo quiz so far
    small ego
    down to earth
    lots of flowers
    i dont hide myself
    my horse was calm,sweet,happy
    b ig ladder but not reachin the roof
    heavy rain but peaceful

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  • sooo quiz so far
    small ego
    down to earth
    lots of flowers
    i dont hide myself
    my horse was calm,sweet,happy
    b ig ladder but not reachin the roof
    heavy rain but peaceful

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  • Oh woww.. its probably the best personality qiz on gtq! its so accurate! i have a medium ego, down to earth, i hide myself. lots of friends, big goals and under stress but i can handle it!

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  • This is a really good quiz :)

    It was quite accurate but just the ladder one was a bit off but it was still an awesome quiz :D

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  • I meant because I love wild thunderstorms. Not dessert sand. My brother did that.

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