Clan Quiz- What Role are You?

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Hello! Welcome to the Warrior Cats Clan Role quiz! The possible results are- Warrior, Medicine cat, Rogue, and Loner! Please enjoy, and please, for Starclan sake, save the drowning kit 0_0

Credit to Theatricals on Tumblr for the picture for this quiz, me for the general design, Dogloverlikesdoge for the inspo, along with others who I can't remember, and you, for taking it!

Created by: Book of Scratch acc
(your link here more info)
  1. If the clan was attacked, what position are you in?
  2. If you see a kit drowning, what do you do?
  3. You are at your apprentice ceremony, what temperament do you have?
  4. You get a prophecy. Who's it about?
  5. A clanmate dies. What do you do?
  6. Hows ya likey dis quiiiiz?
  7. rando question doesnt matter 1
  8. rando question doesnt matter 2
  9. rando question doesnt matter 3
  10. rando question doesnt matter 4

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Quiz topic: Clan Quiz- What Role am I?
