What is your Warrior Cat's role?

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This quiz will auto-generate your quiz answers and will give you your result. It tells you what role as a cat from Warrior Cat's, your would be. You can be a Warrior, A Medicine Cat, A Rogue, And A Kittypet.

This quiz means NOTHING! It just let's you know what role as a cat you would most likely be. Let's take me for example, the first time I took this quiz, I took the role as a Warrior, but I took this quiz a few hours later..and I got the role of a Kittypet. It means NOTHING! It just let's you know the role you would most likely become!

Created by: Mochi_Ball
  1. As a kit, what did you admire?
  2. If you were kicked out of your clan, what would you become?
  3. As a kit, did you have any type of injury that resulted in you not becoming the role you want?
  4. Would you mate with a cat outside of your clan?
  5. Would you want to get kicked out of your clan?
  6. If you could choose your role, what would it be?
  7. Would you go against the Warrior Code?
  8. Do you enjoy learning about herbs?
  9. If you received a prophecy from Starclan, what role would you most likely be?
  10. Are you ready to see your quiz results? (This doesn't effect your results)

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Quiz topic: What is my Warrior Cat's role?
