Chemistry (definitions)

O. K. This is just a chemistry quiz that I did mainly for myself so that I would have something to study off of. It is a 12th grade chemistry test so just warning you that you may not know all of the definitions given to you.. But I tried to give the easier ones!!!

Its all definitions but it is multiple choice. Not too hard if you know the material. Its mostly about oxidation, reduction, and electrolysis, but they are challenging... Anyway good luck to you and congratulations on what ever score you will get!!!

Created by: candace

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  1. What is a nonspontaneous redox reaction driven by an external electric current?
  2. What is an electrolytic process by which a metal is deposited on a surface?
  3. What is the method of refining metals using electrolysis?
  4. The mass of an element freed during electrolysis is directly proportional to the amount of charge that passes through a cell... Is.
  5. What is the process by which metals are oxidized in the atmosphere?
  6. What is the potential of the helf-cell measured in relation to the zero potential of the standard hydrogen electrode?
  7. The mass of an element fred during electrolysis is directly proportional to its atomic mass divided by its oxidation number... Is.
  8. A chemical reaction in which and atom or ion gains and electron is...
  9. A chemical reaction in which an atom or ion loses an electron... Is.
  10. The type of reaction that occurs at the anode and cathode of an electrochemical cell... Is.
  11. THe type of equation that shows that change in charge and movement of electrons... Is.
  12. A chemical reaction in which an atom or ion gains an electron.
  13. A species that is reduced... Is.
  14. Another name for the oxidation-states method.
  15. Shows the change in charge and movement of electrons.
  16. Chemical reaction in which an atom or ion loses an electron.
  17. Released when electrons are transferred in a redox reaction.
  18. A species that is oxidized... Is.
  19. The branch of chemistry that deals with electricity related applications of oxidation-reduction reactions.
  20. Positive electrode of an electrochemical cell.
  21. Electrolyte in a dry cell.
  22. One joule of work that moves a charge of one coulomb between two points.
  23. (last question) type of reaction that occurs at the anode and cathode of an electrochemical cell.

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