
What is chemistry? Chemistry is basically the study of substance. Do you know that all things on earth is made up of matter, even air and star which was found on the outer space? Well, chemistry is actually an interesting subject to learn as it teach you a lot of things about matter and some of its strange properties. Expert who study or research on this particular field is called Chemist.

To begin with, We shall start a very simple quiz where if you study enough of this subject, you should have no problem in answering the 12 question which will be shown when you take the quiz. We hope that you can score a good grade in this quiz. Good luck!

Created by: Garrick Lee
  1. What is an element?
  2. Which of the following is an element?
  3. How many element did scientist found currently?
  4. Which of the following below is an artificially-made element?
  5. Which of the following sets of element belong to the halogens group?
  6. Which of the following acid has a pH scale of 1?
  7. Which of the following is not a method of separating Mixtures?
  8. Which of the following is a solution?
  9. Can all compound be a molecule and vice-versa?
  10. What is the chemical formula for ammonia?
  11. What is the process whereby a solid turn into a gas without turning into a liquid firstly?
  12. What are the elements that made up glucose? Hint:The chemical formula of glucose is C6H12O6?

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