Cat lover 123456789

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This quiz will be about catsI just have to get to 100 characters so I just have to keep talking OK thanks Yes this is about cats and I just did this because I really like cats

And mathSame here I have to get to 100 letters why I don't know so just don't bother all that okay a I did this 1 cause I love math and cats those are my 2 favorite things cause I'm great at math

Created by: Aaaaa
  1. Are most ginger cats boys or girls
  2. What Color eyes do most Himalayan have
  3. What is the name of the hairless cat
  4. What's are better cats or dogs
  5. 7x8=
  6. Now these are just challenge Luck all just put a no answers and random points minus points and you just have to see from there
  7. Luck I say
  8. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+2+2+2+2+2+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4+4++4++4+4+4+4
  9. 4x1=
  10. Points for finishing

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