Cars 3 Sponsor Number Test

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Let's face it, Cars 3 was awesome. There was a crash, a flip, and all kinds of humor. But, do we pay enough attention to the Piston Cup racers and their numbers?

This quiz will help you find out if you are a know it all Cars nerd, or just a lame person who doesn't even pay attention to the Piston Cup racers and there numbers.

Created by: RebMeeker36

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is the number of Combustr?
  2. What is the number of Blinkr?
  3. What is the number of Tank Coat?
  4. What is the number of Ignitr? (Too easy)
  5. What is the number of Vinyl Toupee?
  6. What is the number of Vitoline?
  7. What is the number of Leak Less?
  8. What is the number of N20 Cola?
  9. What is Cal Weathers' (Dinoco) number?
  10. What is Gask-Its' number?
  11. What is No Stall's number?
  12. Bonus Question: What is my Youtube account name?

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