Can you survive a zombie/rabies infection?

Shoot, quick there getting closer oh er that is disgusting. I can't look. Oh oh great they are eating me now! Hey back off you cannibals! I mean zombies.

Do you want to know if that was you up there? No? Well why do this quiz then, cos thats what it gonna tell you. Thats what the result will be. JUST DO THE QUIZ AND FIND OUT!

Created by: aeroline
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you own any guns?
  2. Do you live near a gun shop?
  3. Do you work as a policeman, fbi or amy?
  4. Is there a weak person living in your household
  5. Who would you travel with? (Do not click a box if you would travel singularly)
  6. A member of your group gets bitten? What do you do?
  7. A member of your group gets bitten. What do you do?
  8. you get bitten. What do you do?
  9. You find some food. do you..
  10. How many zombie movies have you seen?
  11. Where would you stay?
  12. How much food do you have at home?
  13. How fat are you?

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Quiz topic: Can I survive a zombie/rabies infection?