Would you survive a zombie attack??

There are many strong and smart people, but not many who have the strenth skill and intellect to survive and attack from a horde of zombies! they are coming down the street! what now?

Will YOU survive? will you die? will you become a zombie? who knows.that is for you to find out! so take this quiz and you will see if you really can survive the zombie apocolypse?

Created by: maxwell

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You know the zombies will be here soon, you go to a store, what do you buy?
  2. You see the zombies coming down the street! what do you do?
  3. you are on top of a building and the zombies have cornered you! what now?
  4. your friend turns into a zombie! what do you do?
  5. you decide you need to take a character from a video game to help you! who?
  6. You get to a safehouse, and you find a bunch of zombies, what now?
  7. Well, you found another safehouse, you Re Stocked on ammo, what now?
  8. Zombies are getting closer! you're out of ammo! what now?
  9. You are close to canada, you find a gun shop, stop and refill ammo
  10. You Made it to canada! what now?

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