Can you make Jeff the killer like you?

Can you make Jeff the killer like you? The possible results are: Yes! And...Nope, no and hell nah....RANDOM FACES NOW ^0^X_X^_^^3^:-)^o^^o^:-)^o^^_^X_X^_^

Please be nice this is my first quiz on any quiz app or things im lazy and can't type good so sorry for typos....I need sleep from typing this all T_T

Created by: Brook_Cats
  1. Hi im Brook and this is my first quiz so please be nice
  2. So first what do you think of...MURDER
  3. Now do you like Smile dog
  4. What do you think of Jane
  5. Jeff take over while I get my cat-
  6. Jeff: Can I kill you.
  7. Jeff: Do you like knives
  8. Jeff: Do you think Brook is my Sister, Cousin or Mother
  9. *Comes in room* IM BACK WITH MY CAT NAMED MILK
  10. Byeeee all you muffins (Yes I call my quiz-takers muffins)

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Quiz topic: Can I make Jeff the killer like you?

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