Can you join me and my best friend in our journey?

This quiz I made when I was bored, don't take anything personally, I hope you have an amazing day and do your best! Your an amazing person and have a good heart!

You have a nice smile (all though I can't see it). This quiz is to see if your worthy for me and my friend to be your friend, I hope you get a good score!

Created by: LesbianLoser
  1. Zodiac sign?
  2. Fav colour?
  3. How many friends
  4. Fr question but...are you okay?
  5. What're you doin' in your free time?
  6. What would you rather?
  7. What do you want?
  8. What's ur name start with?
  9. Hair colour?
  10. Sexuality?
  11. Age?
  12. What are you?
  13. Do you want tattoo's?
  14. Fav place?
  15. Fav drink?

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Quiz topic: Can I join me and my best friend in our journey?
