Can you correct the spelling of these words? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Can you correct the spelling of these words?
You are 70% good at spelling/correcting words!
You have a relatively good hold of these words. Keep doing what your doing, just a bit more so that you can become better. Enjoy! Words are fun.
i completely guessed! except the fear ones, i knew those! :P
90%! If you asked me to spell half of those words in person, I don't think I could, but seeing them in front of me, it was easy to pick out what looked right and what didn't.
rdhaley1 -
Just noticed: *most
WolfLove1 -
I screwed up.
WolfLove1 -
Who the hell would know all of those words?!!?
100%. I promise I did not cheat. It was just easy to guess. I actually only knew a few.
Nice. :D
WolfLove1 -
I do not know, but nost of them are not that difficult.
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