Can You Become the Next Ruler of Idellia (Pt. 1)

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Do you think you can rule Idellia? It's not as easy as it sounds. Idellia is a prosperous land covered in plains and red-leaved forests. It was all fine until the Queen died with no heir. In honor of her memory, her advisor decided to hold a contest to see who was worthy of being the next ruler.

This quiz will give you your character for the following quizzes. Be on the lookout for them. Thank you to whoever promoted my quiz "I'll Give You A BFF" to featured quizzes. If that was you Shadow Figure3000 I owe you a big hug. Please go check out the other quiz.

Created by: Ariana
  1. Did you read the top two paragraphs? If you didn't please do. They contain vital information.
  2. If you were in Idellia, what role would you want to play?
  3. Which of these describes you best?
  4. Which of these?
  5. Final one, I promise.
  6. Which dress sounds the most appealing?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. Okay running out of questions, ignore the rest.
  9. ...
  10. Bye!

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Quiz topic: Can I Become the Next Ruler of Idellia (Pt. 1)

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