Can I make u vomit?

Do you want to know if your stomach is weak do you want to tell if you have a stomach of steal? Try this quiz and your going to find out. This quiz is made by an 16 years old

I took some of these off the web, hope you don’t mind, I liked making this quiz and trying to share my experience with you hope you have fun enjoying this quiz!

Created by: Bella Chi
  1. From one to five how much do you want to throw up
  2. Do this quiz after you eat have you done that?
  3. After you eat think of the grossest thing you can think of then spin around for 60 sec then go upside down, did you vomit?
  4. Eat greasy food and then think about being in a boat tans the rocking waves of the ocean is making you seasick what will you do at that moment?
  5. Do you get motion sick?
  6. What type of movies make you vomit
  7. Do you want to vomit?
  8. Drink three gigantic glasses of something did you vomit?
  9. Will you rate this quiz?
  10. Will you comment on this quiz?

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