Can I guess your age

This is my first quiz that I have made, so please try it out, and tell me how it is. This quiz is guessing your age. Will I get it right or not? Let's find out!

Do you think that I can guess your age? Take this quiz to find out if a quiz can really guess the age of you. This quiz is not to stalk people!!!!!!!!

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you attend primary school?
  2. Do you attend school at all?
  3. If you are not at school, how long have you been out of school for?
  4. Do you enjoy taking quizzes?
  5. Do you have a account?
  6. have you made a quiz on yet?
  7. Have you had children yet?
  8. Have you married yet?
  9. Do you know anyone on
  10. Have you enjoyed this quiz

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Quiz topic: Can I guess my age