Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter?

Do you belong in Camp Half-Blood with Percy and Annabeth, or Camp Jupiter with Frank and Hazel? Take this quiz to find out! Let your inner fang girl/boy out!

#pernico #jiper #frasel #caleo #percabeth #solango #leoswar #persassy #thesassysevendemigods #persassy #brason#rickrioradan #the stolls #camphalfblood #campjupiter

Created by: Sasha of Visit my blog!
(your link here more info)
  1. Which color?
  2. Prefer?
  3. Choose
  4. Blue food
  5. Pick
  6. Who would you rather date?
  7. Do you like potatoes?(does not affect your answer, just wanted to know)
  8. Preference?
  9. Do you ship Brason(Jason + Brick)
  10. Percy or Leo? (I'm sorry)

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