Calling yourself a Potterhead? Let's see if you pass this!

Are you proud of being a Potterhead? But wait.... Are you a potterhead? Do you think you can pass this quiz and prode yourself on being a Potterhead. There afe many sneaky questions that will make you think at least a bit.... TRY IT OUT!!

Only a few can get totally 100... at the end there are some questions which will blow your Be Careful!.... And now I WISH YOU LUCK ON THIS QUIZ !!!!

Created by: Selena Valdez
  1. What was Harry Potter's wand core?
  2. Who told Harry that he is a Wizard?
  3. On which side of his forehead Harry had the lightning scar?
  4. What was the date on which Harry's parents were killed by Voldemort?
  5. What was Harry's signature spell?
  6. What was the name of Harry's elder son?
  7. From whom Harry had learned the Patronus spell?
  8. (Sudden question) What was the name of Bellatrix's husband?
  9. What was Ron's patronus?
  10. What was Draco's occupation after he was an adult?

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Quiz topic: Calling myself a Potterhead? Let's see if you pass this!
