Buzz cut quiz test

This quiz is mainly intended for girls/fem-aligned people. blah blah spam text bc this is just a test aaaa apobeopb pae a oiev oiae ieva lke abe .akeb

This quiz is just a test to see if the questions are good and balanced and whatever so if you're seeing this idk howspammm texttttt buehheheheh uwuw woab

Created by: lemonss
  1. How long is your hair currently?
  2. How seriously are you thinking about cutting your hair?
  3. How long do you want to spend on your hair at most per day?
  4. What do you think of hair clippers?
  5. Do you think you could decide not to cut your hair off, or do you think you’ll keep thinking about it forever/until you do it? (Important question)
  6. Have you ever made a big change to your hair before (Shaving, undercut, major dyeing, big chop, etc)?
  7. Do you want a big change to your hair/appearance?
  8. Ok... right this second, what haircut do you want? If you could magically cut it or grow it longer
  9. What haircut have you wanted the most over the last two weeks?
  10. Do you want your haircut to be traditionally feminine?
  11. Why are you taking this quiz?
  12. if you're thinking about cutting your hair, why haven’t you done it yet?
  13. Do you like your hair the way it is? If you love your hair, is that why you haven’t cut it (if you're considering cutting it) or do you just think you’re nervous about it?
  14. does shaving your head sound like a cool experience, and do you want to do it at some point in your life?

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