Whould a buzz cut suit you (female)?

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Short hair helps to keep you cooler and is more comfortable in hot and warm weather. Have you ever considered buzzing your hair? If so, you can take this quiz to help you see if it would suit you. It is based on a number of factors which one should think of when considering whether to buzz their hair or not. This includes things like your day to day activities, your hair colour, the climate, your opinions on aesthetics, and more.

This quiz is also useful to see if a buzz cut would be a good option for you, even if you aren't currently intending to get one. Or, you could take this quiz just for fun to see what you get! Whatever the reason, I hope you find it useful and interesting ;)

Created by: Alisha
  1. How long is your hair at present?
  2. What is the shortest length your hair has ever been?
  3. Thinking of the time when your hair was (or is) the shortest, did you like it?
  4. How often do you do things that make your breathing rate rise considerably? e.g. play active sports, do work outs or go to the gym, run about...
  5. If you decide to get a buzz cut, will you keep your hair like that for some time?
  6. Have you read (or do you intend to read) about the pros and cons of getting a buzz cut?
  7. Based on your own feelings, do you feel apprehensive of getting a buzz cut?
  8. Which age range out of the following do you fall under?
  9. How much make up do you generally use (compared to the average)?
  10. How much time would you like to spend every day taking care of your hair (not counting in the shower)?
  11. Are you thinking or considering to cut and maintain your hair at home in order to reduce the number of times you need to go to the hairdresser?
  12. If your hair is shoulder length or longer, to what extent does it inconvenience you (if at all) in your day to day life and tasks?
  13. What is the climate like at this time of year where you are now?
  14. What would you think of your best friend (though not necessarily say out loud) if she got either a pixie or a buzz cut (having previously had long hair)?
  15. What is your hair colour? (If your hair is dyed then pick the colour it is currently dyed to)

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