ok so this qyuix ia BOURT bts have yuou heard of bts bts are a kpop group who come from kroean and they aing about kimchi and they are korean so tehy are asian also did u know that my mum said if i weat my grea

that was sorry i think i wtorte a bit oof mess there. i wills taert again. rap mondster is bithday today happy birhtday rap monster how old are you gaina iHAHAHAHA too old f--- you eao monster

Created by: humnauh
  1. are you gay
  2. do you like bts
  3. which bts member are you
  4. if u were on a date .leave
  5. which hair colopur dscribes you
  6. if u were an animal , whuy?
  7. do you believe in life after love
  8. which exo member are you
  9. how many toneials you have
  10. did u realsie, i am bts actually? quick, say something

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Quiz topic: BTS WHICH MEMBER am I
