Breathtaking Secrets

INGORE PLEASE: He nodded and sat down on the couch. Josh and Spike joins him and starts playing halo. "Let's go back to your dorm" Andy tells me dragging me down the hall. I look at all the paintings as we walk by. All are of fights, nature or other things. Then as we pass one room, room 29. I can see someone leaning on the door. Coved in a black hod, then they disappear. I blink, I must be going crazy, right?

INGORE PLEASE: He nodded and sat down on the couch. Josh and Spike joins him and starts playing halo. "Let's go back to your dorm" Andy tells me dragging me down the hall. I look at all the paintings as we walk by. All are of fights, nature or other things. Then as we pass one room, room 29. I can see someone leaning on the door. Coved in a black hod, then they disappear. I blink, I must be going crazy, right? Please

Created by: singin234

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. “Hurry up” Abby snaps, not making a little effort to keep the impatience out of her voice. I sigh; she really doesn’t want to be showing me around. The clumsy new girl that would be me, it isn’t even my first day. She is showing me around, since I lived out of town it took me all day to get here. My forest parents just died, now no one wants to take care of me. So they, the adopting agency, sent me to Shear Academy. “Is it always this quiet” I manage to ask, trying to make conversation. She didn’t look behind to see me, rubbing my thumbs together nervously and staring at the ground. “No, it’s afternoon. Everyone should be in the hall or somewhere else” She tells me briskly, she is one boring tour guild. I guess she doesn’t want to be here anymore than me. “Oh right” I mumble, I can hear faint voices talking in the distance.  We came to a holt “this is where the dorms are, you are in Rex thirty” she tells me, pointing up at a huge building. “How many rooms in Rex are there?”  I ask her staring up at the huge building. I makes me feel tiny and powerless, two things I never really am. “Sixty, so room thirty is the best room. You get a great room, but people in Rex are pretty tough. You might want to watch out” She says boringly, no expression in her voice at all. She must really hate showing people around. “How many houses are there” I ask her, as we walk past the rooms. She sighs and looks up at the ceiling, counting I guess. “Rex is purple, Gwen is green, Ren is red, Joel is blue and Crystal is yellow. Rex has the lest people but the toughest. Gwen has the smartest, Ren has the most and the people that is into sport.  Joel has most of the popular people and also creative people and Crystal has the shyest and the hidden talents people” She doesn’t sound so board anymore. She even goes on, “They are all names of the five people that used to go here. Everyone says it’s a myth, because they ‘had’ powers or something and they saved the school. Then 1000 years later a new evil will start and the new saviours will be born from each house. Oh it’s this year by the way and since it just stared not everyone is back from summer break yet. Also you might not want to talk to anyway about it. Oh yeah Ren is a Japanese name but they person want Japanese” We came to my room, number thirty written in big bold black numbers. She passes me a key, “Don’t  lose it and don’t talk to me” She tells me and walks away.  
  2. I put my key in and twist it to the right, then turn the door knob. The door saliently opens without a creaking sound. I don’t know if that is a bad thing, robbers would get in without a sound. Or a good thing, I can sneak out without a sound. I walk in dragging my bags, when did they become so heavy? I fling my bags onto the ground and shut the door, no wonder why everyone wants this room. A huge double bed, a big flat screen TV, a great view also it’s only me.  Then it hits me, like I had been slapped in the face. They feel sorry for me. That’s just what I need, someone else’s pity. I softly sigh and lay back on the bed. I stare out the window, everything seems empty. Only thing is the hot dry summers day, maybe they felt more sorry for me because they died near Christmas? Who knows?
  3. A knock on the door makes me flinch, who would be knocking? I open the door to see Abby’s bored expression on her face but her green eyes showed excitement. “They did I have to show you the dining hall and the lounge in Rex,” She told me, I lock the door and flow her. “I just want to go back to Crystal” She adds mumbling.  I didn’t really think she would be in Crystal, I would of thought Joel. We came to a lounge where three people are playing video games, “Die Andy die” One of them said to one of them. Two boys and one girl, the girl snorts. “You die” She snaps back at the guy on the right of her with the ginger hair. The other guy beside her with the spiky green hair laughs. “Yeah die Josh” He adds, them all staring at the screen. I think they are playing Halo. “Um you three videos games, really. So its true people at Rex have no lives” Abby snaps at them, they pause the game and turn around. All plain expressions, like they could care any less. “Yeah really Abby” The guy with the spiky green hair tells her flatly. “Who is that” The girl called Andy asks her, now that I can see Andy has really weird eyes. Yellow eyes, but it goes with her short black hair with red streaks. I don’t know to shut my mouth or let Abby talk. “She is a newbie to Rex, she doesn’t look very tough. Mr Standley loves her and has some idea I want to show her around” She explains to them. Mr Standley is the principle and he does love me for some weird reason. Well I guess all teachers love me. “I dont look tough” The guy with the ginger hair tells her, that I think is called Josh. That is true; He has green eyes and a light dust of freckles, kind of cute. Unlike the guy with the spiky green and blue eyes, he looks really tough
  4. "Show her around Rex and her room number is thirty" Abby tells them, before try can reject she is gone. They all look at me, "Hi I am Sparkle"  I tell them, they all bust out laughing. Laughing at me, my cheeks start to burn. I know I am bushing, I hate when I blush. People say I look "cute", yeah right. "That's the weirdest name..." Josh manges to get out between laughs. "I have ever herd" The guy with spiky green hair laughs. Andy surpringly slaps them both in the face, "ow" they both say rubbing their faces
  5. Andy tells me a thing or two about looking tough. When I told her I didn't care, she slapped me in the face. No the best way to make friends but Josh and Spike don't mind. Spike is the guy with the spiky green hair who loves halo. "So what now" I ask as we come back to the paused halo game. Andy smirks, that doesn't give me a good reason. "Now we play halo" I flinch, no way am I playing halo. Not ever again..."No way, I am getting tried-" I am cut of my the sound of something breaking. "Hey Bulk, welcome back" Josh yells, Bulk? What kind of name is that, I am pretty sure it is not even a name! In comes a big built guy, he is taller than me and looks very strong. He could flaten me. "Oh hey, who is this" He asks in a deep voice that for some reason scares me. His eyes are on me, I feel like clenching my thoat. "I am Spark" I tell him calming down. Remember what Andy told me, 'Be cool and act tough. No one need to know your weal' that has become my inpossiable dream
  6. He nodded and sat down on the couch. Josh and Spike joins him and starts playing halo. "Let's go back to your dorm" Andy tells me dragging me down the hall. I look at all the paintings as we walk by. All are of fights, nature or other things. Then as we pass one room, room 29. I can see someone leaning on the door. Coved in a black hod, then they disappear. I blink, I must be going crazy, right?
  7. He nodded and sat down on the couch. Josh and Spike joins him and starts playing halo. "Let's go back to your dorm" Andy tells me dragging me down the hall. I look at all the paintings as we walk by. All are of fights, nature or other things. Then as we pass one room, room 29. I can see someone leaning on the door. Coved in a black hod, then they disappear. I blink, I must be going crazy, right?
  8. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  9. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  10. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  11. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  12. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  13. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  14. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling
  15. So that's the end of part 1. This didn't show up so I had to re-write it sorry about spelling

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