Brain Cricket Quiz

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Hey Guys Welcome To Brain Cricket Quiz This Will Test Your Brain About Cricket and As Cricket Players Are 11 So In This Quiz There Are 14 Questions.'Virat Kohli For A Reason. Jokes Apart

You Need To Attempt All The 14 Questions And Score Marks According To Your Marks I Will Be Giving You Feedback So Play Wisely And Think And Select Answers Best Of Luck!

Created by: Vikrant Panigrahi
  1. Who was the first cricketer to win world cup for India?
  2. Who win 2023 Odi World Cup?
  3. Who won 2008 Ipl orange cap?
  4. Who invented the Mankad Rule?
  5. Who made most centuries in ODI?
  6. Who won most Orange cap in IPL history?
  7. Who had made most runs in IPL history?
  8. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!Guess Who Said This Famous Dialogue''Till 60 overs they should feel like hell out!!
  9. Guess The Player!I am Cool, Millions of people hate me but Billions of people love me. I always know the next move of a player and I am successful captain of India!
  10. Which IPL Team Was Banned In IPL For 2 Years From 2016-17 For Spot Fixing?
  11. Who has most trophies in International?
  12. Quizzes must have between 10 and 60 questions. Got it!Who Won 1979 ODI world cup?
  13. What was the age of Sachin Tendulkar When He Made His Debut In Cricket?
  14. Which is the largest cricket stadium?

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