boynextdoor quiz kpop

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This quiz is a small quiz abt bnd! they're a new group so there is not a lot to this quiz but i love them! don't forget to listen to their new album!!

you should start stanning these talented boys! also not to forget stream their new album coming out on april 15th! being a onedoor is fun and you'll have lots of fun

Created by: Amelia
  1. who's the leader? our sassy little baby
  2. who's the donut lover? smol boi
  3. debut song? best debut song ever too
  4. who's the maknae?
  5. who designs his own clothes? he's really attractive
  6. fish dad
  7. shoulders
  8. fandom name? (i wish i was neighbors)
  9. wife of the group
  10. oldest?

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