bible history review

test your bible skills with this test. are you worthy enough to be called a bible genius? find out in just a few easy minutes rather your worthy of this title or not.

do you have what it takes to pass this quiz? if you think so go ahead and take this test. if you don't do well the first time don't worry you will get it if you keep studying

Created by: trey

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. who went with Paul to Antioch?
  2. how many missionary journeys did Paul go on?
  3. who went with Barnabas to Cyprus?
  4. Where did Saul and Barnabas go first when they arrived in cyprus?
  5. why were Paul and Barnabas sent to Antioch?
  6. who went with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch
  7. what did the letter that Paul and Barnabas delivered from Jerusalem say?
  8. How did the brethren in Antioch react to the letter from Jerusalem?
  9. Who did Paul see in a vision at night
  10. what did Paul and Barnabas do while at Iconium
  11. why didn't Paul and Silas leave Philippi quietly as they were asked to do?
  12. what did Paul and Barnabas do on their return trip?
  13. How did Paul and Barnabas appoint elders?
  14. what were Paul and Barnabas invited to do at Antioch
  15. what did Paul prove at the synagogue at Thessalonica
  16. who is Pauls companions
  17. what happened between and paul
  18. what happened in lystra
  19. who wrote Acts
  20. during what journey did paul meat timothy

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