Belly inflation 2.0

You’ve been kidnapped and put into a quiz room where you can choose some things. You don’t know how it happened and where you are. The questions may seem weird and if so I’m sorry.

There are five results you can get, can you obtain them all? This had to have 159 characters sooo. Adhdfghhnghhgshbcdnzfjxhgdbbdxbbdhxfhzfnzgbdjxhvdgbzgv dj

Created by: Your mother
  1. You wake up tied to a chair, you look around, no one’s there.
  2. A tube comes from the roof and inserts itself into your mouth. What do you think?
  3. A second tube inserts itself into your ass. You hear a voice: “I wonder what you will choose?” What do you think?
  4. Through the first tube comes water, the second one forces slime into you, your belly starts growing. What do you do it?
  5. The flow stops from both tubes. The one in your mouth retracts. The voice asks you: “What do you want to do now?”
  6. Are you enjoying the quiz so far? (No effect on results)
  7. The tubes turn back on, this time at double the rate. What do you do?
  8. You’re at a decently sized belly. The tube in your mouth retracts once again. The voice says: “What do you wish now?”
  9. The tube comes back, this time on triple the rate. What do you feel?
  10. The flow stops. The voice reveals itself to be your best friend! How do you react?
  11. Your friend agrees to whatever you said (Or gets mad if you picked How could you). They take you home after they did what you asked. (Or you escaped after saying how could you)

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