Are you worthy to be in a pack

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So you may be wondering are you worthy to be in a wolf pack? Do you have what it takes to care for your pack,hunt for it and fight with it in battle,well we shall see

Or do you may be just want some fun and a question about pie,or a test to take because you like wolves and other suff,or are you just bored,well then either way this is the quiz for you

Created by: Wolflover324x
  1. What wolf would you be
  2. Whats your fav color
  3. How would you run if you where a wolf
  4. Ok now for some real questions,how loyal would you be to your pack
  5. Would you hunt prey for pther wolves
  6. Would you fight with your pack even in tough tomes
  7. Will you be nice to your pack
  8. A randome question,whats your fav pie
  9. Almost done are you happy
  10. What would your wolf look like

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Quiz topic: Am I worthy to be in a pack