Which "Shardfeather "pack wolf are you?

This is about wolves in a pack called Shardfeather in a online game called WolfPlay. This quiz is just for fun and doesn't mean any offence or ....anything really

Anyway I hope you like playing this quiz. It is my first quiz and I hope it isn't too much like other quizzes . I like wolves a lot and I hope I did them justice.

Created by: Shard
  1. You are about to become a warrior of the pack! How do you react?
  2. Rouges attacking! You see your leader and mother in danger . Who do you save?
  3. You patrol your territory. Suddenly you catch a scent of another clan What do you do?
  4. A wolf you know is hinting they have feelings for you What do you do?
  5. You have pups,Your mate has left you and you aren't able to do your duties properly What's the solution?
  6. What colour is your pelt?
  7. What's your personality?
  8. Who would you like to be trained by?
  9. Who is your bff?
  10. Did you like the quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which "Shardfeather "pack wolf am I?
