Are you with us?!

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Are you with us? do you feel the colors of Roda JC Kerkrade, show your love for your football team and see if you are a true fan of the yellow and black.

Do you think you have what it takes to be a true fan of Roda JC Kerkrade? is the Parkstad Limburg Stadion your second home? Prove it and share your results.

Created by: Daniel of Roda JC
(your link here more info)
  1. On a matchday do you?
  2. When a Roda JC player score a goal you...
  3. When the rival team scores you...
  4. Are you with us?
  5. The best place to watch a match of Roda JC is..
  6. One of your dreams about Roda JC is...
  7. When the result is 0-0 you...
  8. You feel that Roda JC Kerkrade future is...
  9. Your team is...
  10. It's matchday but it's raining you better...

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Quiz topic: Am I with us?!
