Which Papers Plese nation you like the most?

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Which Papers please nation you feel the closest to?This quiz is exactly wah will show you. But be honest,the more hones you are, the more accurate results you will get.

The game papers please is a game in which you are a border inspector in a soviet style country. Can you do your job and personal stuff at one time?Can you? CAN YOU?

Created by: Arstotzkan Mapping
  1. Are you pro or against war?
  2. What ideology do you think it's the best (from the ones listed)
  3. Immigrants?
  4. What about social media and news?
  5. Elections?
  6. What is required for entry?
  7. Which color do you like from these.
  8. Capital of Arstotzka should be:
  9. Choose two words.
  10. Best year:

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