Are you weird? (First quiz!!!!) :3

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This quiz is to see how weird you are! And being weird is good so make sure you are not a normie! NO NO NO NO NO NO NORMIES!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Please don't be a normie! Please :( I WANT NO NORMIE!!!!! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BETTER NOT BE A NORMIE!!!!!!!! I WILL EAT YOU LIKE HOT CHEETOS IF YOU ARE!!!!

Created by: Cloudy of MissCloudyDayz
(your link here more info)
  1. What do you eat everyday?
  2. Do you play with toys?
  3. Do you talk to yourself?
  4. What is your family like?
  5. What do you do during class?
  6. How many times have you been on a plane, and been way more far away than your home?
  7. What do you care about more?
  8. Are you left handed?
  9. Is your belly button an innie?
  10. Do you think you are weird?

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Quiz topic: Am I weird? (First quiz!!!!) :3
