What do you do when your quiz was accepted?

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i will give you a hint. this is a weird quiz. but now i don't feel like exploding. so yesssssss! i love making quizzes! ya make um, ya take um, a booda tick bayrn!

so. take it. even if it is as weird as a nightmirror. at least you can say I went batty. And see original none-before-seen pictures. that's the fun part.

Created by: answerme
  1. So. What do you do when you are TOTALLY EXCITED?
  3. Lemme explain. My quizzes have been unable to be used at go to quiz dot com. But mine showed up. FINALLY!
  4. I hope this quiz gets through.
  5. So I decided to make a quiz.
  6. And do you like the pictures?
  7. What better way to celebrate than emoticons!
  8. THIS is an emoticon. :)
  9. This is the barfcon. :?
  10. ;) wink $) groovy ;D winky happy

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Quiz topic: What do I do when my quiz was accepted?