Are you ugly, pretty, or beautiful? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you ugly, pretty, or beautiful?
83%!!! I already know that. at school there was a guy that said I was beautiful and later a different day he told me he loved me and I never went out with him or anything and after that semester was over we like never saw eachother cuz we didn't have any classes together and now I'll probably never see him again I'm going to a different school :'( that always happens doesn't it. oh by the way on one of the questions it asks if you have braces or glasses and there isn't a no choice. just saying cuz I don't have either I hope I never will. ok bye [c: I'M SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!! !!
coolme31 -
Thank you so much for taking the genius quiz. If you scored high, congratulations, you are drop dead gorgeous!. If you scored not so well, hey you can't win them all!
Notice in the parting words it says genius quiz
MeepGirl1 -
80%, I've got glasses and have pimpels, but LOADS of people have told me I've been beautiful before, it's so wierd...
Thanks for making me feel good. ^.^ 10 stars. =)
coolme31 -
95%? LOL I thought I was ugly even though a lot of people told me I was pretty
Carri041 -
Oh my gosh, it said I was 100% beautiful!! I love this quiz, it just made my day
Wow . . . 90% ? Cools ! !
i never knew in was beautiful i thought ii was just a preety little fface
otty1 -
60% That was a good quiz, but you needed a LOT of confidence in it lol
wow!78% every1 told me i was really beutiful
im still not sure there rite?Tabsta1 -
30% and ugly I knew it :(
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