Are you TRULY a mermaid?

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Have you ever wondered if you were truly a mermaid? Well now you can find out! Also please do not get upset over your score! I’m just trying to have fun and make mermaid like questions!

Also thanks for taking my quiz I appreciate it! Still wondering if you’re a mermaid or not? Truly a mermaid? Take this quiz it will tell you!! Enjoy it!!

Created by: Liz
  1. Favorite animal?
  2. Favorite jewelry peice
  3. About what size is a baby mermaid?
  4. How fast can a mermaid go?
  5. Are you a mermaid?
  6. When you see water you...
  7. Favorite food?
  8. How old are you?
  9. What color is your tail?
  10. Do you think you are a mermaid? (Does not effect score)

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Quiz topic: Am I TRULY a mermaid?
