if you were a mermaid you would

have you ever wondered what kind of mermaid you are? well look no further because your answer... its right here. YAY! you found it. sincerilly minecraft mermaid

this quiz will tell you your tail color, hair color, top color, eye color, your spiches, your power, your name and how you will become a mermaid or merman. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: minecraft mermaid
  1. what is your favorite color
  2. what is the first thing you would do if you were a mermaid
  3. if you were a mermaid and became human what would you do?
  4. are you a boy or merl
  5. how skinny are you?
  6. is your hair...
  7. what is your favorite thing to do on the beach?
  8. do mermaids have wings
  9. what is your faorite mermaid book
  10. what is your favorite animal

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