Are You Truly a Girl? Tranditional Girl Quiz

Are you truly a girl, or a tomboy? This quiz is just for girls only... If you are a boy, HEY, YOU MUST GET OUT FROM THIS LOVELY QUIZ, because this is a girl quiz.

Are you a boy? Not! Are you a tomboy? I guess... If you are a tomboy, you are still a human. Can you change into an animal? Of course not. Take this quiz and rate it HIGH!

Created by: ivyna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like pink?
  2. Do you like barbie?
  3. Do you have long hair?
  4. Do you wear earrings?
  5. Are you wearing a skirt or a dress?
  6. Do you like purple?
  7. Do you like sports?
  8. Do you eat slowly?
  9. Are you tidy?
  10. Ready to see the result?

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