tomboy or girly girl

This quiz is about seeing if you are a tomboy are a girly girl.A tomboy is a girl who loves boy stuff.A girly girl is a girl who wants to be cool and perfact.

here is some things about tomboys.tomboys watch boy tv shows.tomboys dont were a lot of girl stuff.a girly girl is a girl thats perfact and cool and popular

Created by: faith

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what do you nomally were.
  2. are you a girl
  3. do you like boys
  4. are you pretty
  5. do you like one direction
  6. wat is your age
  7. do you like tv
  8. wat animals do you like
  9. look at your nails are they
  10. look in the mirror you are
  11. look at your hair it is

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