Are you Therian?

Hello this quiz is about seeing if you might be therian this is definitely NOT accurate! I am not therian but i have done my research. skskkskskskkskks

Whatever answer you get do more research if you are still questioning whether or not you are therian, don’t rely mostly on quizzes like this. skskkskkssk

Created by: Lexi :)
  1. Hello welcome to my quizzzz! You can tap anything this wont affect your results at the end :) ✨✨✨✨🌸🌸🌸🐚☘👏💐🍄
  2. have you ever had a shift?
  3. Do you have a connection to any environment (e.g) forest, fields, ocean, etc
  4. Have you ever had the urge to do something that an animal might do?(e.g) run to the forest to hunt something
  5. have you had “animal- like” experiences?(e.g) walk on all fours(e.g) maybe wish to be animal
  6. Do you feel trapped in a body thats not yours?
  7. Do you wish you were animal?
  8. skskskskskks 3 more questions ( pick any)
  9. these do not affect your answer (srry it was short
  10. yayayyaya

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Quiz topic: Am I Therian?
