Are you a therian and if you are what is your therian

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This is my first quiz so don’t judge pls hope you enjoy and be good for Santa if you don’t believe in him you won’t get presents so be good hope you enjoy

This quiz is not 100% accurate so don’t be sad but do more research ok and pls share i wanna be famous pls share ok and Santa's watching you(sorry I need this to be long)

Created by: Isla
  1. This is my first quiz so don’t judge: pick your best traits and worst out of these
  2. Sorry the quiz is so short I ran out of ideas how did you enjoy it
  3. Jk any ways how many shifts have had
  4. How many times have you had a phantom shift
  5. Have you remembered any animal past lives
  6. Pick an element(doesn’t affect scores I just ran out of ideas)
  7. Pick a food
  8. Pick a family
  9. Pick an animal body part
  10. Pick one
  11. How did you enjoy

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian and if you are what is my therian
