Are you the smartest person in the world????

Are you smart!!! Then come and take this quiz to see how smart YOU are!!!! Hope YOU are satisfied and if you get a bad score its ok!! Nobody is perfect!!

Are you Smart!! Do you have the skills to take THIS quiz!!! Take this quiz to find out how smart YOU are!! If you get a bad score its ok!!! NOBODY is perfect!

Created by: IceNinja

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who invented the lightbulb???
  2. What day did Thomas Jefferson die?
  3. What State became established in 1959?
  4. Who was the smartest man in the world that had both Dyslexia and ADHD?
  5. What tragic disaster happened in 1912?
  6. What year did Obama get elected as President?
  7. What was one hurricane that caused the most damage in 2005?
  8. Was William Taft our President???
  9. Is the Mojave Dessert the hottest place in the USA??
  10. Is Michelle O.... Barack Obama's wife??

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Quiz topic: Am I the smartest person in the world????