How much do you Know me!!

"Well, well its time to meet your maker, just kidding! There are many smart people in this world and maybe this person can or cannot be you. The choice is up to you. If you figure out all the answers to this quiz you will be the smartest of the smartest!

Within a few minutes your intelligence will be tested and if you pass you are considere a GENIUS but if you fail you will be doomed for the rest of your life as a careful with your choices and please, choose wisely!

Created by: Laura

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is my middle name?
  2. How old am I?
  3. What are my parents names?
  4. Where was I born at?
  5. What is my favorite color?
  6. Who is my favorite soccer team?
  7. What college do I attend?
  8. What is my husbands name?
  9. Where do I live?
  10. What is my favorite cartoon?

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Quiz topic: How much do I Know me!!