Are you the right cat person?

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Hello! My name is BluestarIlovecats and if you ever wondered if your the write cat person, than you've picked the write "quiz"! :-) Also you will soon learn with your expirience on the quiz, about cat(a few facts)! Please enjoy! :-)

Ooooohhhh! I forgot to tell you this! You will be able to see your score of how well you did! And if you get a 100% than you will be a complete cat owner! ENJOY! :-)

Created by: BluestarIlovecats
  1. How nice are you?
  2. What is your favorite animal? Pick one of this
  3. How do you do at school? (be honest)
  4. What is your hobby? ( a hobby is something you do for fun)
  5. What do you know about cats?
  6. What sound does a cat make?
  7. Does a cat eat?
  8. What Do ALL types of animals have to have in other to survive?( most important)
  9. Are you a cat lover?
  10. What are cats?
  11. What are we practically?
  12. Do you like cats?
  13. meow!
  14. Bonjour, cher kitty , means . . . .
  15. What does , Je ne sais pas ce que bonjour signifie
  16. Did you like it?
  17. Ok. Last question. Is this the last question . . .oppsss . . . gave it away! :-!
  18. Rollback!
  19. You find a lost kitten. What do you do?
  20. rollback over!
  21. Its the end!
  22. Did you like it?

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Quiz topic: Am I the right cat person?
