Does your cat own you?

Have you ever wondered what is going on in that little kitty mind? Ever been curious about what kitty thinks of YOU? Here's a chance to explore the thoughts of your cat, and see who is truly the owner.

Are you owned by your kitty? Do they fit in like family? Or are you a dog person who holds out hope you have a cat/dog? Find out these answers and more with this quiz!

Created by: E.
  1. How often do you feed kitty?
  2. How does your cat wake you in the morning?
  3. What kind of name does your cat have?
  4. Do you groom kitty?
  5. Do you buy kitty toys?
  6. Does kitty have run of the house?
  7. Does kitty cuddle with you when you ask?
  8. Has kitty ever done something devious to you?
  9. How did you and kitty meet?
  10. What is kitty's goal in life?

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Quiz topic: Does my cat own you?