Are you the real Elvis?

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Hello, my name is Robert, I've lost my love Elvis Presley. If you think you might be him in disguise, please take the quiz and contact me if you get 85% or higher!

Incase you're wondering, yes I am half man half woman. Please no hate, I'm just trying to get the love of my life back. Please help a lonely, poor soul recover from their lost,

Created by: Robert Craighead
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What would you want your dogs name to be?
  2. What is your favourite food?
  3. Favourite hair colour?
  4. What's your favourite kind of dog?
  5. Favourite sea urchin
  6. Your best friends name
  7. Favourite element?
  8. Do you like dogs?
  9. What is your favourite dog smell?
  10. What's your favourite Elvis Presley song?
  11. How old is Elvis Presley?
  12. Favourite hairstyle?
  13. Favourite iPhone smell
  14. What kind of hair do you like?
  15. What's your favourite sport?
  16. What's your favourite sock brand
  17. Favourite sock smell?
  18. Favourite way to spend free time?
  19. What is your favorite kind of music?
  20. Favorite clothing style?
  21. Favourite season
  22. Favourite tv show?
  23. Favorite store
  24. Favorite head size

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Quiz topic: Am I the real Elvis?