Are you the atheitic type?

There are many athelitic people many of them are very very good but most arent as good.You may ask"what is an athelitic person?"Well an athelitic person issomeone who likes sports.

Are you an athelitic person?Do u know how to cimb billons and billons of ropes?Do you have the courage to take this test?Anyway in just a few minutes while u take this test u will find out!

Created by: Priscilla

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. Do u like sports?
  3. What type of clothing do u wear mostly?
  4. What color do u most hate?
  5. Do u wear hats?
  6. Do u follow the rules?
  7. Do u like rainbows?
  8. Do u like nickelodeon?
  9. Wats ur favorite animal?
  10. Do u like eletronics?

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Quiz topic: Am I the atheitic type?