Are you momaie or gogaie

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Momaie is the sub type of an average roman prost, knowing which one you are can help you choose what type of seeds to 'spargi pe banca in parc' a momaie would typically eat NutLine pumpkin seeds also in terms of fashion a momaie would wear a pink shirt and cargo shorts;

Gogaie is the other subtype of roman prost a gogaie would eat aro sunflower seeds, and would wear anything from the local ABC. You are an expert farmer you know all the muieri gospodine in your village and they all love you inexplicably 🤷‍♀️

Created by: Alex
  1. What does momaie mean for you
  2. Which parent do you like most
  3. What's your favourite beer brand?
  4. How black are you
  5. What is your favourite video game?
  6. What's your favourite saint
  7. Do you like Salt and Vinnegar chips?
  8. How do you call your significant other?
  9. What is your favourite type of music?
  10. Whats your favourite animal?

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Quiz topic: Am I momaie or gogaie
